Picture it: Las Vegas 2022, the National Notary Association's annual conference, a group of notaries sitting around a casino bar dreaming of ways to bring more value to their communities.
With the various “creative juices” one can find in a bar, we were brainstorming even more specialty work that a notary could focus on to not only help more people, but create more revenue for their business that was not reliant on the mortgage industry.
One of the notaries sparked up the topic of marijuana, and that’s where things went crazy. Some of the notary cohorts in that bar conversation were already serving the cannabis industry by notarizing compliance documents on a regular basis.
And, doing what I tend to do, I bought a domain or two.
Right there, that minute, I bought 420Notary.com, just in case there might be a bigger opportunity for notaries here.
Fast forward through two years of research, and there is a big opportunity in cannabis for...
Now that you've answered THAT question and received your notary commission, you likely have even MORE questions:
And so many more questions!
In this special video, @NationalNotary and I break down some of the most common questions from beginning notary entrepreneurs and help you get rolling on your new business.
Being a notary public gives you a way to make unlimited income with a flexible schedule in a business you can be proud of.
YOU are the last line of defense against mortgage and identity fraud!
And you get to serve the public both on their best days, and their worst.
We have resources to help you get the skills you need to succeed.
For FREE training and more information, visit www.NotaryCoach.com
If you haven't noticed, I've shifted a lot of my attention and training towards attorneys, and in particular, estate planning attorneys.
Why do you think that is?
It's not because I hate loan signings now.
It's not because I think loan signings are going way for good.
I love loan signings and I know that people will always be buying, selling, and refinancing real estate.
But not at the volume we saw from 2020-2022.
A few ticks off the prime rate isn't going to spark a surge in refi's, so don't bank on loan signings alone.
You have to diversify.
That's what I started doing in December 2021. I saw the writing on the wall. And I wanted my phones to keep ringing.
So I did what I do. I connected some dots. If there were still millions and millions of documents being notarized, EVEN WITHOUT LOAN SIGNINGS, then where were they?
Guess what.
Three truths about the shift to estate planning documents:
As a mobile notary you run an old fashioned business in modern times. Gaining customers comes down to two overarching strategies: Optimizing online visibility and leveraging your network of relationships.
That’s it.
Don’t overcomplicate it and don’t sit back and wait for the latest widget to fix it.
If you want to build a business that will thrive, regardless of mortgage interest rates, commit to learning marketing techniques that eliminate concern.
You’ve probably never heard of the Quadrangle of Trust. I made it up last year.
I made it up because there is an insider term called the Triangle of Trust that consists of the three most trusted advisors for consumers; Attorneys; Tax advisors (CPA); Wealth advisors (Financial planner).
All of these advisors make important additions to anyone’s advisory team, but to me, the missing piece, the crux, if you will, was the fourth leg of the table-the notary public. Which makes this triangle of trust...
The Quadrangle of Trust.
As notaries public, we’re not advisors. In fact, we spend most of our career avoiding advice of any kind.
It’s outside our purview.
And still, simply because of the office we hold as a notary public, we have the trust of the public. Which makes our referral list extremely valuable.
Notaries get in more doors than any salesman (or advisor) ever will. In fact,...
The ability to give feedback that supports positive outcomes and allows for the preservation of relationships is a skill that should be regarded as a superpower.
The challenge is that most people who request feedback ask the wrong people and in the wrong way.
And most people who give feedback aren’t the ones who should, and then they offer what I call “fluffy feedback” anyway.
It does no one any good and it’s a waste of time.
First, ask the right person. Seek someone who has the results you want or who has experienced something similar to what it is you want feedback on.
There’s a big difference between opinions and good counsel.
For example, don’t show your travel itinerary for Switzerland to your mom who's never left her hometown and ask for her insights and feedback.
In business, don’t ask for feedback on your website from those who don’t have a ...
I know social media isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And not everyone enjoys writing longform blog articles.
And I suppose that’s okay…
Still, these forms of communication are effective for both building relationships (they allow your prospects to get to know, like, and trust you more), as well as for boosting online visibility with search engine optimization strategies.
I hear lots of questions about what you’re supposed to talk about in this type of content, so I thought I’d share twelve prompts about you and the city you live in.
When it comes to social media posts and blog articles, consistency is more important than quantity (usually). If you’re a guru of all things social, post like crazy (it does actually work).
But if you’re new to this, or don’t enjoy it, pick a rhythm and stick to it, no matter what it is- once a day, once per week, once per...
At some point, you just have to do it.
You have to stop thinking about it. Stop planning for it. Stop dreaming about doing it.
And just do the thing.
The thing you know you should be doing anyway.
Send the email to a prospect. Pop-in to an attorney. Make the cold call. Create the list. Update the profile. Click publish. Hit send. Walk out the door. Knock. Dial. Enter.
It’s time.
Bill Soroka is on a mission to help mobile notaries serve more clients, make more money, and build a business that thrives beyond loan signings, self-reliant & untethered to the housing industry. Together with industry expert Laura Biewer, he wrote the bestselling book, “Beyond Loan Signings: How to Monetize Your Notary Commission Through Specialty Work.”You can order your copy here.
“How can I make more money as a notary public?”
It’s one of the most common questions I hear, especially now that the loan signing boom has ended (for now).
The answer to the question comes in many forms. The standard way of answering is, “it depends on what your state allows for notarial fees and travel.”
Or, we might talk about how important it is to ride the wave of the next big boom for mobile notaries as a Certified Notary Trust Delivery Agent.
Both are true.
But, there’s far more to this notary-entrepreneur thing.
This business isn’t just about knowing how to sign, date, and stamp a piece of paper.
It’s about people and how you treat them. It’s about the efforts you take to make sure your clients are in competent hands, genuinely cared for, and how well you provide a smooth and efficient transaction.
You must always remember that you...
One of the benefits of owning both a signing company and an active notary directory is having a direct line of communication with hiring parties for notaries.
Almost daily I am speaking to estate planning attorneys, real estate agents, lenders, and escrow officers to showcase the world’s best notaries on Gotary.com.
One of my favorite questions to ask in those conversations is, “what challenges have you encountered with notaries in the past?”
You might think “mistakes” was a popular answer, but it wasn’t. In fact, aside from several nightmare stories about how notaries have responded to their errors, mistakes didn’t even make the top ten list.
When asked how they resolved issues with notaries, most people I talked to said they love working with notaries that are professional, with a great attitude. With these two qualities, nearly any adversity can be overcome.
That said, there are four behaviors that these...
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