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The Notary Coach Blog

For Notary Entrepreneurs

New Product Launch: "Laura Biewer Presents..." Replay Training Library

Hey there!

It's End of Month (EOM) and I know you guys are busy - I'm crazy busy too and I love it.

You know one of the things I love about this business is the diversity that it brings. There are so many ways to be of service so many people to meet - so many ways to generate revenue. And right now, one of the more popular ways, of course, is the loan signing side of the business.

This is probably one of the best markets I've ever seen for loan signing agents. I know many of us are out there taking advantage of this right now, and really out there hustling this last week of the month.

Still, with that said, I'm still a major proponent of general notary work, which is basically just all the other work that the notary does outside the loan signings.

You know when having that level of diversity - another income stream, in general notary work, is going to help you create sustainability in your business. It buffers you against any type of economic movement.

Now in many states these...

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How to Monetize Your Notary Commission

Hi everybody.

This is Bill Soroka, founder of and the Sign and Thrive Notary Training Course and Community.

You know, about every week I get a half a dozen emails from people who became notarties. Maybe because their company paid for it for them, they thought it would be cool at some point, or maybe they became a notary just because it served a purpose at some particular point in their lives. But then they haven't done much with it. And so now they reach out and they ask, "how can I monetize my notary commission?" "How can I make money as a notary public?".

So if you are looking for ways to monetize your commission, if you're looking for a way to maybe make a living as a mobile notary and loan signing agent, or maybe you just want to make some decent money as a side hustle, then this week's live is for you.

This is an exciting time to be a notary public because across the country in many states, they have increased the notary fees that we can charge. Not...

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Pitfalls to Avoid When You're a Busy Loan Signing Agent

Hi everybody! This is Bill Soroka, founder of and the sign and thrive, notary training course and community.

It is crazy busy right now. I'm an awesome time to be in this business, so I'm glad that you're in it with me. It feels like last month didn't even end and its rolling right through the beginning of this month. Very exciting time to be in this business. Interest rates are ridiculously low. The housing market's booming. Refinances are off the charts right now, and our phones are ringing and dinging and that's really great for our business. So if you're in this business and you're hustling, keep up that hustle. Keep up the enthusiasm, try to have some fun in your business because this is what it's all about right now.

That being said, whenever the times are really good and business is really going strong, there's two major pitfalls that we tend to fall into and I learned them the hard way. So I'd like to share them with you.

So maybe you can avoid making the...

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How to Get Good Mojo Going For Your Notary Appointments

Hi everybody!  This is Bill Soroka with and the Sign & Thrive training course and community.

Today we get to talk about how to create good mojo for your loan signing appointments.  We're going to talk about what mojo is and why that's important - and why am I even talking about it.

Mojo has all kinds of different definitions.  What we're talking about here is the good energy that attracts the kind of people, opportunities, and the circumstances that you want in your life. 

You know those types of people that you meet, those you want to be around - it just seems like there's something exciting, something happening with them they exude. They're experiencing joy in life and it makes you want to be around them. That's the type of opportunity that we want to create for our loan signing appointments.

Why is that important? You never know who's sitting across the table from you in this business. In a heavily relationship-based business, you're...

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Four Things I Do After EVERY Loan Signing Appointment


Hi everybody! 
This is Bill Soroka, founder of and the Sign & Thrive Notary Training course and community. Today I want to talk about the four things that I do after every single signing appointment.
If you have followed me at all, you know that I'm a huge fan of habits and routines. I think they're everything! I really attribute habits to the level of success I've had as a mobile notary and loan signing agent.  The systemization of this business is really what has led to greater peace of mind and productivity. When I have greater productivity, I have greater revenue production.  Revenue production and peace of mind were two of my top priorities when I really started taking this business seriously.  
One of the systems that I created was having a habit or a ritual, a routine after every single signing appointment. That helped me not only maintain quality control, but it also helped maintain relationships...
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Two Things Notaries Can Do Right Now to Help Save Money on Taxes


This is Bill with Notary Coach and the sign and thrive training course and community. Today we get to talk about a super exciting topic - accounting and tax efficiency. I know it gets kind of a bad rap sometimes but your tax efficiency in your business can really make or break this or any business. 

I think one of the biggest challenges that we have as mobile notaries and loan signing agents is finding people who are willing or able to talk about what the tax situation looks like for notaries.  There are some good reasons for that as there's a lot of different variables that come into play. So, before we get into it let me give you the standard disclaimer. I am NOT a tax professional and not a lawyer - I'm not an accountant - I'm not a CPA. I'm just going to show you some guidelines and give you some resources and then I encourage you as part of your team to really find a tax advisor that understands the notary business or service-based business.  I’m...

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Top 8 Reasons Your Notary Business Doesn't Have the Results You Want

Hey guys!
Bill here, from Notary Coach and Sign & Thrive. So, today I want to talk to you about the top EIGHT reasons for why your notary business isn’t getting the results you want.
One of the coolest features about my relationship calls with other notaries (you guys), is that I get to help a lot of you overcome challenges and objections that are getting in the way of what you want out of their business. This all stems around five major internal factors. But for the sake of this video I’ve added an additional three external factors for a total of eight. Let’s take a look at this now!
First, there are three external factors that you won’t have a lot of control over. And of course these are:
  1. Your geographic location
  2. The population density in your area
  3. The economic climate (interest rates, economy, employment, etc)
I remind you of these three external factors, not because I want you to use them as an excuse...
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Papercuts & Ink Stains: Is That Signing REALLY Worth It?

Papercuts & Ink Stains...

Is that signing really worth doing for that fee?

You can see it in the online notary forums on a daily basis, and as a notary coach, I get asked several times a week:

Is $50, $60, $70 (insert almost anything less than $100 here) worth the effort for a signing?

And, you get ALL kinds of responses, based mainly on the perspective, circumstances, opinions, history, and lens of the person offering the opinon, not the person asking the question. 

You'll see lots of valid points in these forums, of course, about how low-baller companies negatively impact our industry. You'll "hear" people, in all caps, tell you that you SHOULD NEVER WORK THAT CHEAP, closely followed by a "back in my day" story about they used to never get out of bed for less than $150 per signing, but now they're "lucky" to make $80 a signing. All because of new signing agents and their damn willingness to work "so cheap."

That's simply not true. 

The truth is a...

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Kindness Matters

If you've subscribed to my YouTube channel, and you enjoy reading the stories that outline my philosophy about business, then you likely already realize the power of kindness.

That's kind of how this world works. Like attracts like.

Still, I am going to share a few of the ways I, and others I know, spread kindness in our every day life.

Kindness is not an act. It is a way of life. 

Just like any other great goal or skill, you can get there through tiny acts of kindness performed consistently over time. When you are kind to others, for no other reason but to be kind, there is a magic that happens.

Actually, it's not magic at all. It's science. Check out some of the research here.

Being kind can change the day, or the lifetime, of the person on the receiving end of your kindness, for sure. But, what it does for you, as the giver of kindness, is immeasurable.

Build it into your day and your life will change.

This isn't just some "fluffy" email either. I consider the...

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Next Level Notary- Principle #5 Stay Humble & Hustle


Something magical happens when you start taking your mobile notary and loan signing business seriously. 

When you commit your energy and your resources to making this work, and you hustle and grind, every single day, building relationships, performing your duties, brainstorming the value you bring to the marketplace, the universe conspires to bring you the opportunities you seek.

Once you have that consistent revenue that allows you to breathe and thrive, it's time to switch into higher gear. 

Where first gear was perfect for slowing down, crawling over the boulders of your learning in the beginning, second gear allowed you to gain some traction, get some training, and start applying at signing companies, building some industry relationships, and creating a website and other tools. 

In third gear, you really gained some momentum, still hustling and grinding, but enjoying the fruits of your labor. 

It's in this third gear that many mobile notaries and loan signing...

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