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The Notary Coach Blog

For Notary Entrepreneurs

The Art of Selling

My friend Alison just published her book, The Art of Selling, and I think you should check it out.

If you're like me, one of the reasons you probably love the notary business is it isn't too "salesy." We're an essential service, and it's easy to hide from sales behind that label. 

But "sales" is the lifeblood for a small business like ours. 

We can call it pop-in, pop-by, networking, outreach, or building relationships, but it's sales. 

And we have to get good at to thrive as an entrepreneur. 

If you've struggled with inner demons, or systems for reaching out and following up, I think Alison's $5 book could help.

Get it here

I asked Alison to lead a special training just for the notary community. So grab the book, read it (and don't forget to leave a review), and then watch the replay of the training at the link below. 

Watch Sales Training Webinar here 

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I Hate Follow-Up! (and other lies we tell ourselves)

Why do you resist following up with your prospects? 

Ugh, we've all been there. You finally muster the courage to send the emails or the direct messages, or finally pop-in to an escrow or attorney office, and then...




You wait for that phone to ring...

Even though you know it's probably going to take more than one touch point for a prospect to get to know, like, and trust you enough to hire your services.

And then... the shame cycle happens:

  • I coulda...
  • I shoulda...
  • Even if you found the courage or discipline again to finally follow-up, six weeks has passed and now you're embarrased, so you don't. 
  • Repeat

Sound familiar?'re not alone.

Let's stop the shame cycle today. 

Run the Numbers

Most salespeople (that's you! Yep, you're a self-employed solopreneur wearing all the hats) don't follow-up. Me included. I have had to work hard to remind myself of it's importance. 

"The fortune is in the follow-up" is not a myth....

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Email Signatures: Your Super Secret Sales Weapon

Sell Without Selling

Your email signature is prime real estate in an email and you can leverage it to do some of the heavy lifting in sales or brand edification as a notary public. 

The cool thing is, there is really no right or wrong way to do email signatures. Depending on the expert you listen to or the blog you read, you’ll get different opinions. In my experience as a credentialed professional and notary coach, a few strategies have emerged as either effective or ineffective with email signatures and I’m going to share them with you today. 

12 Suggestions For a Kick-Ass Email Signature

Here are a few tips for creating an email signature that will get attention and help you sell your products and services. You don’t have to use all of these elements in your email signature. Pick and choose what you like and mix and match throughout the year.  

1. Simple is Okay

Simple can actually be better. You don’t need anything fancy. All email...

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How to Tank a Million Dollar Business

You can listen to this blog on YouTube here

At this week’s Notary Symposium, I was asked a question during the Q & A portion of my presentation. I had posited that when I finally took my notary business seriously, and decided to grow it, I had to stop doing the things that a $30,000 earner did, and start doing the things that a $100,000 earner did.  

The question one viewer posed was, “what are some examples of what a $100,000 earner does?” 

I was on the spot in front of a couple hundred notaries, still basking in the glow after sharing the stage with Hal Elrod, and I answered, “remove the naysayers and fortify your network with your believers.” 

And I am not entirely satisfied with my answer.  

It’s certainly true. And it’s definitely important. Entrepreneurship is hard enough as it is, and your inner critic probably handles more than your share of negativity within, so you certainly...

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Almost There! 

Enter your email for the free report that details how I got started and grew my mobile notary and loan signing agent business to multiple six-figures.