Tired of spending money on business “essentials”?
I get it. For such a small, simple business, you can feel nickel and dimed as you’re in start-up mode as a mobile notary. Luckily, one of the most lucrative marketing campaigns you can implement right now can be done for $7 or less.
And it’s easy too!
The hardest part is just getting out of your own way and hitting the send button…again and again.
You can start this today, and your total expense, outside of time and energy, is $7 (or less).
Invest $1 for the first year of a domain name that matches your brand name, or is similar. Don’t worry, this isn’t for building a website. This is for sending emails only. If you already have a domain name, you can skip to Step Two.
How I Do It: I use GoDaddy for all of my domains. Sometimes they cost more than $1, but there is always a promo or coupon...
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I almost didn’t graduate high school because of two subjects: Keyboarding and algebra.
Keyboarding, by the way, was still done on a typewriter in 1996 Show Low, Arizona (somehow that was 26 years ago).
I wish I could say my failing grade was because I had some clairvoyant vision that computers were the wave of the future, and typing was obsolete, but that wasn’t it. I just didn’t go to class (and I still can’t type). That was the pitfall of being 18 years old for my senior year: I could sign myself out of school.
And algebra…
Well let’s just say I disagreed with Mr. Butler’ insistence that letters of the alphabet should be commingled with numbers to create a math problem (emphasis on problem).
Letters and I got along just fine in English class, geeking-out alone on paper, writing essays and book reports. But throw them in with mathematical equations, and suddenly they act like...
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