Thanksgiving weekend is what I call my Sacred Weekend.
Nearly ten years ago, these four days were going to either represent my death, or my legacy.
I was so depressed after the collapse of my remaining businesses (save this one, as a mobile notary), that I was ready to off myself completely.
I mean, after 26 business failures, there’s only so much a man can take.
Or, is there?
I could have done the deed. Sure, it’s possible. Aside from a bottle of vodka though, I really hadn’t made any plans for my departure. Pills? I had them. Drugs? I had them. Guns? I had them.
And yet, I didn't need them.
Gratefully (hence my “Sacred Weekend”), instead of taking my life, I decided to make my life. I had to figure out WHAT it was that stopped me from achieving the results I wanted.
If not WHAT, then, WHO?
I won’t keep you in distress. It was ME!
I was in the way, as usual.
Limiting beliefs. Excuses. Poor...
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