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The Notary Coach Blog

For Notary Entrepreneurs

It Started with a Single Push-Up

Thanksgiving weekend is what I call my Sacred Weekend.

Nearly ten years ago, these four days were going to either represent my death, or my legacy. 

I was so depressed after the collapse of my remaining businesses (save this one, as a mobile notary), that I was ready to off myself completely. 

I mean, after 26 business failures, there’s only so much a man can take. 

Or, is there?

I could have done the deed. Sure, it’s possible. Aside from a bottle of vodka though, I really hadn’t made any plans for my departure. Pills? I had them. Drugs? I had them. Guns? I had them. 

And yet, I didn't need them. 

Gratefully (hence my “Sacred Weekend”), instead of taking my life, I decided to make my life. I had to figure out WHAT it was that stopped me from achieving the results I wanted. 

If not WHAT, then, WHO?

I won’t keep you in distress. It was ME! 

I was in the way, as usual. 

Limiting beliefs. Excuses. Poor...

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Attorney Marketing For Notaries: Daily Activities to Help Estate Planning Professionals

Like with all big goals, small consistent steps make them happen. If you're goal is to work with estate planning professionals, you have to connect with more estate planning professionals. 

That's it. 

It's a pure numbers game. 

And in this fantastic interview with Jennifer Cooper from JKC Notary Courses, we talk specifically about the daily or weekly activities you could implement right now to move you forward on your goal. 

It's not that complicated. 


If you're anything like me, you're analytical brain can overthink a pebble. Sometimes a pebble is just a pebble. 

No matter which Specialty you're pursuing under the notary umbrella, there is tried and true systems for connecting to your dream clients. 

Jennifer and I discuss exactly what that looks like when marketing to estate planning professionals on this episode. 

Watch it here (PS- Don't forget to like and subscribe to Jen's YouTube channel) 

Plus, I collaborated with...

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Are You "Quiet-Quitting" On Your Own Notary Business?

You can listen to this blog on YouTube here

I looked up “Quiet Quitting” to find out what, exactly, it means. Several websites later, I’m still not sure. News outlets, bloggers, and influencers, seem to use it how they want and make it mean what they need.  It looks like a cross between those employees looking to establish a better work-life balance and those who just simply don’t want to work in their position anymore. 

The essence of quiet quitting is to do the bare minimum within the job description, so you’re not working too hard and have time to enjoy life, or work on your own thing. 

I can maybe get behind that in many cases. Why burn yourself out building someone else’s dream? Conserve some energy for hobbies, family, and yes, even building your own dream, right? 

But, I am also a huge proponent of taking 100% responsibility for your life and your results. If you’re not happy there, make a plan to leave. If your...

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Almost There! 

Enter your email for the free report that details how I got started and grew my mobile notary and loan signing agent business to multiple six-figures.