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Why Do People Come Here? 12 Social Media/Blog Prompts About You and Your City

Dec 20, 2023


I know social media isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And not everyone enjoys writing longform blog articles. 

And I suppose that’s okay…

Still, these forms of communication are effective for both building relationships (they allow your prospects to get to know, like, and trust you more), as well as for boosting online visibility with search engine optimization strategies. 

I hear lots of questions about what you’re supposed to talk about in this type of content, so I thought I’d share twelve prompts about you and the city you live in. 

The Posting Formula: Consistency Matters

When it comes to social media posts and blog articles, consistency is more important than quantity (usually). If you’re a guru of all things social, post like crazy (it does actually work). 

But if you’re new to this, or don’t enjoy it, pick a rhythm and stick to it, no matter what it is- once a day, once per week, once per month-whatever. 

Start where you are and you can scale later. 

When it comes to your social media strategy, I like Gary Vaynerchuck’s formula of, value post, value post, value post, promo/advertisement post. 

Alex Hormozi also points out that television channels have this psychology worked out too, which means the masses of audiences are already trained for it. There’s approximately 13 minutes of ads for every 60 minutes of airtime. So, without double-checking his math, in social media posts, that equals about ONE advertisement post per FOUR value posts. 

What Are Value Posts?

Value posts are pretty much anything that doesn’t directly sell your notary services. These posts can educate, give away free information, share more about you, your passion, your life, or any number of things that other people might be interested in, but don’t actually go for the hard sell on your services.

I know this gets murky because we have an inner voice that sometimes thinks, “why would people care about my breakfast burrito?” 

But they do. 

So here are 12 prompts to help you post or write about you and the city you live in. 

Ask yourself, “Why do people come here?” 

Better yet, ask Google. 

Almost every city has some redeeming quality that draws people there (or at least tries to). 

Then, have some adventures and share the journey. 


What to Talk About on Social Media

When you tell a story, it works better if you focus on your own experience. You’re not a news agency, so it’s not “just the facts ma’am.” 

And at the same time, you must keep your audience in mind. You're sharing your own experience AND why you think they may find it interesting. 

Ask yourself, “what’s in it for them?” Then you can weave the story, sometimes in just a few sentences. And sometimes, maybe a few paragraphs. 

Okay, here are some prompts: 

  1. When I visited this top tourist attraction, this is what happened…
  2. I had this emotional experience when I visited this historical site…
  3. To celebrate this special occasion we went here or did this…
  4. Our city is on this positive top ten/one hundred list…
  5. The last locally owned restaurant we went to was this and we enjoyed this…
  6. The most beautiful place I love to take a walk is…
  7. The best muffins in town are at ... and they’re so…moist (does anyone else struggle with that word??!!)
  8. I just took the new fused glass /pottery/art/writing/cooking class at this place and it was so much fun…
  9. My favorite place to read/people-watch/work is…
  10. I’m looking forward to the upcoming community event…
  11. My favorite scenic drive is…
  12. I take all of our guests here to do this when they come to visit…

If you don’t like any of my prompts, utilize ChatGPT to come up with others. 

Be Interesting to Your Clients

Part of my Top of Mind Method includes being interested in others, of course. People need to know you care about them enough to ask questions and get to know them a bit. 

But it also includes being interesting to your clients. Conversations are far more interesting when you do epic sh8% and share it with people. 

If you find yourself answering the question, “What’s new with you,” with “Nothin’ much” or “Same ‘ol, Same ‘Ol”, you’re at risk of being boring and uninteresting. 

It’s a conversation killer. 

Maybe even a relationship killer. 

Beware of becoming a fuddy-duddy:

  • Take a new route home. 
  • Shop at a different grocery store (the horror!).
  • Flip the toilet paper roll (I’m a monster!).

Find adventure everyday.

In the great words of Michael Gerber, author of the E-Myth Revisited, "Comfort Makes Cowards of Us All."

Get uncomfortable.

Then, pay attention to what happens to the people, places, and most importantly, your thoughts. 


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