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The Notary Coach Blog

For Notary Entrepreneurs

Be Unexpected: Creating Online Profiles That Pop


There are lots of online notary directories out there right now. Many of the most relevant directories will have a free (or cheap) profile level to get started with. I’ll share a few that seem to pay off, should you decide to pay for a premium listing too. 

But, if you’re going to invest the time and money into having online profiles, do it in a way that makes you more appealing than the same old boring profiles that 70% of notaries throw up on these directories. 

Make it pop. 

Stand out. 

Get hired. 


There’s No Such Thing as “Too Many” Directory Profiles

You already know that your customers are going to come to you from two places, and two places only:

  • Your online visibility;
  • And your network of relationships.

Online directories help with both, IF you optimize your profiles correctly. 

When done well, there is no such thing as having too many online profiles on professional directories. 


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Google Business Profile: A Notary Business Requirement?

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I just moved into a new home in northern Washington after living the last 18 months in fully furnished AirBnB's.  I find myself needing everything from coasters, lamps, & garbage cans, to landscapers and exterminators (Did you know Washington has a “spider season”? They certainly didn’t mention that in the sales brochure).

When I need something, a service especially, I go to two places- my network for referrals, and/or a Google search. My network up here in Washington is nothing like it was in Phoenix, so if my real estate agent or AirBnB host don’t have a referral for me, guess what-off to Uncle Google I go.

Most consumers skip the referral part and go straight to Google, where they make a decision on who to call based mainly on whose information appears on their screen and the quality and number of their reviews. 

When a consumer types in their search for say, “Notary Near Me,”...

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