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The Notary Coach Blog

For Notary Entrepreneurs

The Quadrangle of Trust: Claim Your Seat at the Table as a Professional Notary Public


You’ve probably never heard of the Quadrangle of Trust. I made it up last year. 


I made it up because there is an insider term called the Triangle of Trust that consists of the three most trusted advisors for consumers;  Attorneys; Tax advisors (CPA); Wealth advisors (Financial planner). 


All of these advisors make important additions to anyone’s advisory team, but to me, the missing piece, the crux, if you will, was the fourth leg of the table-the notary public. Which makes this triangle of trust...

The Quadrangle of Trust.


As notaries public, we’re not advisors. In fact, we spend most of our career avoiding advice of any kind. 


It’s outside our purview. 


And still, simply because of the office we hold as a notary public, we have the trust of the public. Which makes our referral list extremely valuable. 


Notaries get in more doors than any salesman (or advisor) ever will. In fact,...

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Giving Feedback Is A Superpower


The ability to give feedback that supports positive outcomes and allows for the preservation of relationships is a skill that should be regarded as a superpower. 

The challenge is that most people who request feedback ask the wrong people and in the wrong way. 

And most people who give feedback aren’t the ones who should, and then they offer what I call “fluffy feedback” anyway. 

It does no one any good and it’s a waste of time. 


How to Ask for Feedback


First, ask the right person. Seek someone who has the results you want or who has experienced something similar to what it is you want feedback on. 

There’s a big difference between opinions and good counsel. 

For example, don’t show your travel itinerary for Switzerland to your mom who's never left her hometown and ask for her insights and feedback. 

In business, don’t ask for feedback on your website from those who don’t have a ...

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Notary Peer Event Countdown: Philly Social 2024


Shared experiences, like networking events, live training, workshops, conferences, travel, and the like, create deeper bonds and forge the beginnings of tomorrow’s great collaborations and innovations. 

Plus, they can be fun and educational. 

If you commit to attending five peer events every year, your business, life, and network will experience limitless expansion. 

I’ve found that live, in-person events create stronger bonds faster. But if that’s not in your budget (or desire), you can still attend AND participate in online events. 

For my own schedule, I’ve committed to five in-person notary peer events for 2024, and several online events. I'll share the growing list at the end of this article.

I happen to be in Philadelphia as I write this, touring the host hotel for Judi Lawrence’s Philly Notary Social (registration now open) in October, so I’ll share about this first. 


The Notary Hotel


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The Secret Tool For Notary Success

You may be hoping I'm going to share the super-shiny doo-hickey thinga-ma-bobber that will make it rain clients and appointments for your notary business.

I am not going to do that and it doesn't exist. At least not yet, anyway (but we're working on it!).

I'm talking about your referral list. 

This is your list of people, brands, and services, that you enjoy working with enough to refer them to other people in your network. 

I liken it to Oprah's list of her "Favorite Things."

Having a list and referring to your network makes you a resource. 

Being a resource to your network will help you stand out more than anything else.  

You're an active citizen living in your city/state/country/world and you've garnered some experience, wisdom, and favorite things through life. 

Who Can Be Added to Your Referral List

Here are some examples of who can go on your list of favorite things/Referral List:

  • Real Estate Agents
  • Loan Officers
  • Estate planning firms
  • Attorneys...
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Four Books That Helped Me Embrace Networking (Even as an Introvert)

It’s weird being an introvert that loves people. 

Especially as a business owner. 

I’ve struggled my whole adult life with the idea of networking. I knew it was important, so I’d sign up for all kinds of networking events, fully intending to attend, but then…

IF I even left my house at all, I’d circle the block or sit in the parking lot obsessing about what to say, where to stand, or whether I’d fit in. I had to give myself a pep talk to actually walk in the door. 

Sometimes I’d actually go in. 

But mostly I didn’t. I wasn’t very good at pep talks back then. 

I would get physically sick to my stomach. I even threw up in the parking lot a few times. 

Then I’d wipe my mouth, pat myself on the back, turn around and go home. 

“At least I tried,” I’d say. 

But I needed to move through that networking anguish. I knew I liked people. This anxiety wasn’t about them,...

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The Unlimited Referral List: Loyalty is More Than Meets the Eye

One of my favorite things to do is to refer prospects to people I know, like, and trust. 

I consider myself a loyal person (sometimes to a fault). 

Loyalty is a quality I appreciate in others as well. 

What I’ve learned through the years as a super connector is that loyalty has to be about more than just personalities. 

Quality over Quantity When It Comes to Referrals

You can’t just refer prospects to people you like, even if they’re freakin’ amazing at what they do. 

Not everyone is a good referral match. 

So instead, be loyal to bringing value to your relationships, not just to one certain person. 

It does no one any good if you refer a mismatched prospect to your favorite attorney, just because you like him. It just wastes time and it costs you credibility in two relationships (or more). 

You Can Never Have Too Many Referral Partners

That’s why you can never have too many partners on your referral list. 


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