Kim Flanagan went from corporate to creator in her role as a mobile Notary. Putting herself in the shoes of her customers, she designed systems and tools to create ease in her appointments and it's paid off big time. She's also helped design products, like a customer intake form and luxury-feeling journal to help notaries be more efficient and stand out in a sea of sameness.
Episode Highlights:
11:07 When you adapt processes, habits, and routine, you free up headspace to be present and engaged with your customers. This allows for a relationship that can last beyond one single transaction.
13:51 When you looking for training, find a teacher that resonates with you as you get started. Then, never stop learning. Focus on learning just ONE thing that could help you.
24:53 Using a customer intake form, like the one designed by Kim at Notary Ally, helps you demonstrate your expertise when a client calls you. Move from "order-taker" to Notary Professional with the prompts and...
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