Why Customer Reviews Matter So Much

Nov 15, 2023

Do you ever wonder why online customer reviews mean so much for your notary business? 

It’s not some narcissistic desire for attention (usually). 

Reviews are important because…

Reviews = Revenue. 

Let me show you how.

Why Reviews Matter

There are two main reasons you should become a review-getting guru for your business.

The most obvious is social proof. Somewhere around 90% of consumers choose a business to work with based on reviews. 

I could end the article here because numbers like that, even if they’re skewed by 40%, are enough to put a period on the sentence. 

Reviews matter. 

People care what other people think. That’s why social proof works so well. When your prospects see that other people have taken the risk and tried you out, and were pleased with the results, it blazes the trail to booking your services. 

When you have great reviews (and lots of them), your prospects don’t have to think as hard. And that’s a good thing. Decision-exhaustion is real. Great reviews ease the tension in decisions. 

The second reason Reviews = Revenue is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

These search engines, like Google, Bing, etc., just love reviews. Reviews help the algorithms determine relevancy. Think about it like this: search engines make money because people trust them to match them with what they’re looking for. Looking for an all-night diner? You can count on Google. Looking for the square root of pi? You can trust Bing for the answer. 

This “trust” is how search engines survive. So, when someone searches “notary near me,” the search engine’s algorithm will pull up what it thinks is a relevant match. That’s why it gives a little extra weight to profiles/businesses that have more reviews from other people who have searched for notary services too. Your reviews ease the tension in decisions for the algorithms too! 

Prioritize Reviews in Your Notary Business

As a mobile notary, your customers come from two places and two places only: Online visibility and relationships. In a way, your customer review-getting strategy covers both bases. That’s why reviews matter so much. 

In our advanced notary training community, NBB, I led a five-part intensive workshop on becoming a review-getting guru. You can have the replay of the first three sessions for free with the link below. It’s my gift to you as part of my mission to help you serve more customers, make more money, and build a notary business beyond loan signings. 

Get FREE Access to the Review-Getting Training Here


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