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Three Reasons Notaries Need to Adopt & Adapt to Trust Work

Jan 24, 2024

If you haven't noticed, I've shifted a lot of my attention and training towards attorneys, and in particular, estate planning attorneys.

Why do you think that is?

It's not because I hate loan signings now.

It's not because I think loan signings are going way for good.

I love loan signings and I know that people will always be buying, selling, and refinancing real estate.

But not at the volume we saw from 2020-2022.

A few ticks off the prime rate isn't going to spark a surge in refi's, so don't bank on loan signings alone.

You have to diversify.

That's what I started doing in December 2021. I saw the writing on the wall. And I wanted my phones to keep ringing.

So I did what I do. I connected some dots. If there were still millions and millions of documents being notarized, EVEN WITHOUT LOAN SIGNINGS, then where were they?

Guess what.

Three truths about the shift to estate planning documents:

  1. There's about 100 million Americans that need an estate plan/living trust but don't have one yet (that's a lot of prospects).
  2. It is NOT a requirement to have an attorney to create a trust (although, highly recommended). That means you have access to those millions of prospects, even if you don't have any attorney partners yet.
  3. Even though an attorney is not required to create a Living Trust, a notary IS required. In fact, every Living Trust in EVERY STATE requires an average of 6-8 notarizations.

Yes, the market is changing. 

FYI, it's always changing. 

Don't panic, adapt.

Bill Soroka is on a mission to help mobile notaries serve more clients, make more money, and build a business that thrives beyond loan signings, self-reliant & untethered to the housing industry. You can join him with the most committed notaries on earth in the Notary Business Builder learning community. 

🆓 Let me help you get more clients! Download my FREE REPORT, Pivot or Quit It: 25 Lessons Learned When Marketing to Estate Planning Attorneys 🕴️🎉

Avoid the mistakes and pitfalls I made and get results faster! 

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